How do you tie a self tie bow tie?
We know how you feel, and it can be a bit tricky to get the hang of, which is why we have made this handy step by step guide to stop you weeping in front of the mirror!
Dapper Style
The perfect gift for the dapper person in your life. There are many different ways of rocking Tomboy style, and a bow tie is one of them.
More and more people are wearing bow ties to complete their style. Our bow ties are adjustable and fit a smaller neck. See the collection...
What is non-binary / androgynous fashion?
From a young age we are influenced by our surroundings and instantly put into a category by our biological sex. From the second we’re born, ‘It’s a girl/boy!’ leads us to believe we should follow in conventional gender footsteps.
Androgynous Charlie Q & A
When she first started posting memes on Instagram, little did she know she'd gain so much attention the world over. Now Charlie Tavenier, aka 'Androgynous Charlie' is winning hearts with not only her androgynous style but her cheeky charm too. GFW have a quick Q&A with her to discuss fashion, gender and defining her style...
Heteronormativity, gender fluidity and fashion
What is it about being anything other that heterosexual that leads people to believe that ‘we’ are some sort of foreign creature? When I came out as gay I took the stepping stone route and told my parents I was bisexual. Why? I’m not sure. Maybe I felt like going all the way to gayville was too much of a leap in one go. Maybe I didn’t want to commit to the lesbian label. Or maybe I wanted them to think I was a little bit straight. Somewhere deep down.
GFW Clothing Short Sleeve Shirt Range
Shirt’s don’t have a gender do they? They are just pieces of fabric stitched together. However the people who wear may may have a gender - but that is their business and not one that concerns gender free clothing producer GFW Clothing.
Big Boobs And Button Down Shirts!
Long sleeve shirts for busty women - avoiding the gape? In the first few months of 2016 we’ve seen the launch of gender neutral clothing lines from Zara, Levi’s and our own brand of ‘clothing without labels’ designed for individuals regardless of their gender. It’s an exciting time but despite the intentions of the more mainstream brands being sound, have they actually thought about one of the major hurdles all gender neutral clothing needs to address, mainly MY BOOBS. When we first started discussing shirts here at Gender Free World I was uncharacteristically committed to my long standing statement: ‘I...
Gender Neutral Clothing Company Launch
Gender Free World (GFW), a Brighton-based start-up providing clothing and products for individuals regardless of their gender, revealed their new brand of ‘clothing without labels’ at an exclusive event in the city on the 16th March.
Only a couple of weeks more
We've had a busy 2015 commissioning the designs for our shirts, ordering fabrics and finding the right manufacturer. All this takes time, especially when we are making sure that every detail is correct and the fabric we are using is of the best quality. I'm pleased to say that we are almost there and we expect to have all shirts in stock by February 1st.
Thanks for waiting and please do sign up for our newsletter to a get a discount code and get up to date information about all our products, including our summer short sleeve range.
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