We have noticed that certain first names are very popular among our customer base. Can you figure out which are the top 3 names as a percentage of all customers?
We did a spreadsheet of our our customers names, sorted them by first name and counted how many had the same name - including simple variations in spelling.
Our competition features the top 10 names. To be in with a chance to win, we want you to put them in top three order - most popular name 1., next popular no 2. etc.
If you have chosen the correct 3 names but not in the right order we will send you a discount code worth £12.
If you have chosen the correct 3 names in the right order, we will send you a shirt.
Send your top 3 to info@genderfreeworld.com. If you have the most popular names but not in the right order you have won a discount code which we will email to your after the 15th April.
If you have the top 3 names you have won a shirt from our new collection and we will contact you by email to discuss your sizing.
Small print.
- The order of names is based on our data as of 16.00, 27th March 2018. Any subsequent new customers with names in the top 10 list do not count towards the final tally after this date.
- We will contact all winners by email.
- Number of shirt winners limited to 5. Any correct answers after the first 5 shirts have been won will receive a discount code.
- One entry per person
I really should read things properly 😝if allowed this is my answer:-
1. Claire
2 jo
3. Sarah