Thank you so much for believing in our brand and we look forward to a mutually prosperous 2020.
Let us give back to you and not these faceless corporations that take all our advertising budget for little return.
You have probably had a number of requests to share the businesses of friends, or friends of friends, in recent months and that is because visibility is hard thing to find in the online world we now live in. Small business gets left behind and it depends on us to come up with creative ways to not get lost in the crowd.
In the last four years our little team of two, here at Gender Free World, has grown to three and a bit! We have come so far and with the untold commitment of our most loyal customers we managed to survive and also thrive, We have gone from having 3 body shapes and 5 sizes in 5 designs to 29 different options in size and shape with new fabrics all the time. We couldn't be happier.
Now we have come up with a way of thanking you and spreading our wings further.
We have teamed up with an affiliate programme that allows you all to take credit and earn actual cash or a discount off a new shirt. Do you have friends, acquaintances, neighbours, teachers, or colleagues who might want to benefit from a shirt that fits? Do you know someone who needs a reverse button yesterday? What about someone you know who just needs to feel good in a shirt that fits over their wonderful big bottom... You know. You know better than us and that is why
Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash
"How do we get involved" I hear you scream.
Please keep an eye out for the pop-up next time you purchase at the check out which will invite you to become an affiliate, where you will be given a link to share. You will be able to track your earnings of 5% increasing once we give you a badge as a 'SUPER AFFILIATE'; or you can just wait for us to tell you. You also get £1 credit to start you off.
You can also ask us to add you by sending an e-mail to info@genderfreeworld.com including the word affiliate in the subject and we will get you signed up.
From all the team here at GFW, Thank you.