By GFW Director Lisa Honan
Since we launched back in 2016 we have been committed to making in the UK for a number of reasons. As a new brand it was easier to work with a UK supplier, we could visit and learn about the production process especially with our different body shapes and multiple sizing. Our first factory was very helpful as they allowed us to make small runs which was essential in testing out the market. Of course garments made in the UK and then later when we used a Spanish supplier, cost more than than very large orders made in the developing world where workers are paid much less.
However, as an inclusive brand, it was a shame that we had to retail our shirts as mid-priced and we have long wanted to introduce some shirts at a more 'budget inclusive' price.
Being committed to sustanable practices, how could we begin to find a new supplier and trust that they meet our criteria?
In 2021 we were chosen to be part of the Collaborative challenge with London College of Fashion students, and it was there that we met Pranav.
Pranav is studying a Masters in Global Fashion Retailing and he was keen to introduce me to his family firm. We spent much of the following year talking about how we could work together, receiving fabric samples and preparing our first order.
About Excel Deals
Founded in 1975, Excel Deals is one of the leading clothing manufacturers in Tiripur. It has a modern sate-of-the art manufacturing facility powered by solar panels.
This video shows some of our shirts being made.
Workers are paid on a contract basis between 30000 and 50000 rupees depending on skill set which is at the top end of payment for garment worker in India. We hope these first shirts are the start of a good partnership and we plan to make more shirts with them; our exclusive digital prints will continue to be produced in Spain and the majority of shirts will still be made in the UK.